Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Nasdala
Stellv. Institutsvorstand
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Wien
Raumnummer: 2A251
T: +43-1-4277-53220
Conference Abstracts
Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 120 von 153
Nasdala, L. (2011). Micro-Raman mapping: Applications to study mineral samples. in Book of extended abstracts (S. 51)
Nasdala, L., Grambole, D., Harris, J. W., Schulze, D. J., & Hofmeister, W. (2011). Radio-coloration of diamond. Gems & Gemology, 47(2), 105-106.
Nasdala, L. (2011). Raman and luminescence imaging applied to study the internal textures of minerals and geological samples. in Program and abstracts (S. 97-99)
Howell, D., Griffin, W. L., O´Reilly, S. Y., O'Neill, C., Pearson, N., Piazolo, S., Stachel, T., Stern, R., & Nasdala, L. (2011). Mixed-habit diamonds: Evidence of a specific mantle fluid chemistry? Mineralogical Magazine, 75.
Kennedy, A. K., Kamo, S. L., Nasdala, L., & Timms, N. (2010). Greenville skarn titanites: New reference materials for SIMS U–Th–Pb analysis. in Abstract volume (S. 43-45)
Nasdala, L., & Tillmanns, E. (2010). MINSPEC - the first Marie Curie Chair of Excellence in mineralogy (2006-2009). Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, 6, 865.
Nasdala, L., Ruschel, K., Rhede, D., Wirth, R., Kennedy, A. K., Kinny, P. D., Finger, F., & Groschopf, N. (2010). Phase decomposition upon alteration of radiation-damaged monazite-(Ce) from Moss, Østfold, Norway. Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, Abstract Series, 6, 692.
Nasdala, L., & Zirbs, W. (2010). Raman spectroscopy - a versatile tool for the micrometre-range study of minerals and rocks. in Abstracts: Alkaline magmatism of the Earth
Vaczi, T., Nasdala, L., Wirth, R., Mehofer, M., Libowitzky, E., & Häger, T. (2009). Decomposition textures after dry thermal annealing of zircon. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 155, 167.
Nasdala, L., Grötzschel, R., Probst, S., Ruschel, K., & Hanchar, J. M. (2009). Irradiation-damage in monazite: A Raman study of Au-implanted FIB foils. in Programme (S. 21)
Krickl, R., Nasdala, L., Grambole, D., & Kaindl, R. (2009). Radio-induced alteration in cordierite - Implications for petrology, gemmology and materials science. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11(EGU2009–2657). http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2009/EGU2009-2657-2.pdf
Zaitsev, V. A., Sorokhtina, N. V., Nasdala, L., & Kogarko, L. N. (2009). Raman spectroscopic investigation of graphite from the Gremyakha Vyrmes and Pogranichnoe carbonatites, Russia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2009/EGU2009-134-3.pdf
Ruschel, K., Nasdala, L., Rhede, D., Wirth, R., Lengauer, C., & Libowitzky, E. (2009). Effect of fluid-driven chemical alteration on radiation-damaged fergusonite. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 155, 138-138. http://www.uibk.ac.at/mineralogie/oemg/bd_155/155_final-abstracts.pdf
Kennedy, A. K., Kamo, S. L., Nasdala, L., & Timms, N. (2009). Greenville skarn titanites (2009): New reference materials for SIMS U-Th-Pb analysis. in Programme and abstracts (S. 89-90)
Nasdala, L., Grambole, D., Vaczi, T., & Götze, H. J. (2009). Is there alpha-assisted annealing of radiation damage? A helium implantation study of radiationdamaged zircon and monazite. in Programme and abstracts (S. 167)
Nasdala, L., Ruschel, K., Talla, D., Preuschl, F., Pristacz, H., Petautschnig, C., Kramar, S., & Hanchar, J. M. (2009). Photoluminescence emission of rare earth elements in natural monazite and synthetic orthophosphates. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 155, 112-112. http://www.uibk.ac.at/mineralogie/oemg/bd_155/155_final-abstracts.pdf
Wildner, M., Nasdala, L., Grambole, D., Zaitsev, A. M., Harris, J. W., Kempe, U., Hanchar, J. M., & Götze, H. J. (2009). Radiation-induced defect centers: Luminescence and optical absorption study of helium-irradiated diamond and zircon. EOS: transactions, American Geophysical Union, 90, MA14A-05.
Nasdala, L., Hanchar, J. M., Rhede, D., Kennedy, A. K., & Vaczi, T. (2009). Uranium (and lead?) retention in zircon during a fluid-driven alteration reaction. in Micro-Analysis, Processes, Time (MAPT) - Abstracts
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