Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Nasdala
Stellv. Institutsvorstand
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Wien
Raumnummer: 2A251
T: +43-1-4277-53220
Conference Abstracts
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Pluthametwisute, T., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Libowitzky, E., Giester, G., Jakkawanvibul, C., Suwanmanee, W., Sripoonjan, T., Tengchaisri, T., Wanthanachaisaeng, B., & Sutthirat, C. (2024). A new approach for detecting heat treatment of sapphire. in IGC 2024: The 37th International Geological Congress, Abstract Book, Busan, Korea, 25-31 August 2024 (S. 2421-2422).
Sigat, R. O., Guenthner, W. R., & Nasdala, L. (2024). Exploring 4He diffusivity in highly radiation-damaged zircons for the (U-Th)/He system. in Goldschmidt2024: Book of Abstracts
Magee, C. W. J., Koymans, C., Waltenberg, K., Nasdala, L., Dubosq, R., Gault, B., Evans, N. J., Bodorkos, S., Amelin, Y., Kamo, S. L., & Ireland, T. (2024). SIMS analysis of chemically abraded zircons: improvements, complications, and questions. TANG3O 2024 Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, Australien.
Sigat, R. O., Guenthner, W., & Nasdala, L. (2023). He diffusion kinetics in highly radiation-damaged zircon: Insights from step-heating experiments for the (U-Th)/He system. in Thermo2023: 18th International Conference on Thermochronology, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2023. Abstract volume (S. 163) https://www.thermo2023.it/s/Abstract-volume.pdf
Chanmuang N., C., Zeug, M., Erlacher, A., Sameera, K. A. G., & Nasdala, L. (Angenommen/Im Druck). Annealing of metamict minerals – spectroscopic study. Beitrag in MinWien2023, Wien, Österreich.
Nasdala, L., Lamers, T., Gilg, H. A., Chanmuang N., C., Griesser, M., Kirchweger, F., Erlacher, A., Böhmler, M., & Giester, G. (2023). Gem spinel in the Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire: Evidence for very early gemstone heating? Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 169, 206-207.
Nasdala, L., Sameera, K. A. G., Chanmuang N., C., & Hauzenberger, C. (2022). Fluid-driven alteration controls the shape of ekanite pebbles. in IMA 2022 Interventions abstracts (S. 331-332)
Chanmuang N., C., Nasdala, L., Habler, G., Mader, D., Tait, K., & Wiedenbeck, M. (2022). Comparison of hyperspectral mapping of zircon with other imaging techniques. in Online abstracts (S. 260-261)
Nasdala, L. (2022). Applications of Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy in gemmology. in IV Conferenza Nazionale Diamante e Gemme di Colore: Identificazione, Tracciabilitá ed Aspetti Etici
Zeug, M., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Wildner, M., & Hauzenberger, C. (2022). Lumineszenz eines kulturhistorischen Erbes: Der Topas vom Schneckenstein, Sachsen, Deutschland. in Geosymposium: 150 Jahre Geologischer Dienst in Sachsen (S. 62-66)
Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Gaft, M., Giester, G., Wildner, M., & Zeug, M. (2022). Dravite and serendibite from Sri Lanka: Spectroscopic study of two rare pleochroic gemstones. in GIT2021 Proceedings (S. 199-202). The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand.
Zeug, M., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Hauzenberger, C., & Wildner, M. (2022). Luminescence of gem topaz from the Schneckenstein crag, Saxony, Germany. in GIT2021 Proceedings (S. 193-196). The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand.
Wanthanachaisaeng, B., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., & Wildner, M. (2022). Synthetics and simulants in the Thai gemstone market: An update. in GIT2021 Proceedings (S. 173-176). The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand.
Nasdala, L., Zeug, M., Chanmuang N., C., Hauzenberger, C., & Wildner, M. (2021). Luminescence of gem topaz from Schneckenstein, Germany. in Abstract Proceedings (S. 34-36)
Pesek, P., Abart, R., & Nasdala, L. (2021). Diffusion of chromium into periclase: An electron probe microanalyzer and photoluminescence spectroscopy study. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 167, 133.
Chanmuang N., C., Habler, G., Lenz, C., & Nasdala, L. (2020). Focused-ion-beam nano-machining: A tool for high-precision sample preparation for ion irradiation. in MST37 Conference Proceedings (S. 35–36)
Kruzslicz, Á. B., Nasdala, L., Wildner, M., Skoda, R., Redhammer, G. J., Hauzenberger, C., & Wanthanchaisaeng, B. (2019). Gem-quality black spinel from Bo Phloi, Thailand. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 165, 56.
Blum, T. B., Reinhard, D. A., Coble, M. A., Spicuzza, M. J., Chen, Y., Cavosie, A. J., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Prosa, T. J., Larson, D. J., & Valley, J. W. (2019). A nanoscale record of impact-induced Pb mobility in Lunar zircon. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25(S2), 2448-2449. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927619012972
Blum, T. B., Reinhard, D. A., Coble, M., Spicuzza, M. J., Chen, Y., Cavosie, A. J., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Prosa, T. J., Larson, D. J., & Valley, J. (2019). A record of basin-forming impact from Pb clusters in lunar zircon. in Goldschmidt2019 Abstracts Artikel 04b/16:00/We
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