ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Leopold Lengauer
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Wien
Raumnummer: 2B348
T: +43-1-4277-53243
C: +43-664-8176022
Curriculum vitae [pdf]
- vSPL28 - Erdwissenschaften
- Strahlenschutzbeauftragter
- Laserschutzbeauftragter
- EDV-Beauftragter (Netzwerk & Server)
- Angewandte Mineralogie e.g. hydraulische Bindemitteln und Ziegeleierzeugnisse
- Synthese sowie kristallographische und thermische Charakterisierung mikroporöser Substanzen
- Mineralogische Bearbeitung neuer Minerale und Zeolithe.
- Programmierung und Anwendung der Rietveld-Methode.
- Hoch- und Tieftemperatur Pulver-Röntgendiffraktometrie.
- Mineralogische Anwendung thermischer Analyseverfahren.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 119
Haghjoo, S., Kavand, M., Lengauer, C. L., Kazemian, H., & Roushani, M. (2025). Enhanced herbicide removal using an innovative NaP1-Fe3O4-La(OH)3 zeolite: Advances in water treatment and experimental modeling. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 386, 1-16. Artikel 113483. Vorzeitige Online-Publikation.
Đorđević, T., Tasev, G., Aicher, C., Potysz, A., Nagl, P., Lengauer, C. L., Pędziwiatr, A., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., & Boev, B. (2024). Mineralogy and environmental stability of metallurgical slags from the Euronickel smelter, Vozarci, North Macedonia. Applied Geochemistry, 170, Artikel 106068.
Heuser, D., Dubosq, R., Petrishcheva, E., Bian, G., Rentenberger, C., Lengauer, C. L., Gault, B., Habler, G., & Abart, R. (2024). Coherent solvus of disordered alkali feldspar: experiment, atom probe tomography and thermodynamic model. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179(6), Artikel 68.
Heuser, D. A., Petrishcheva, E., Ingegneri, F., Lengauer, C. L., Dachs, E., Hauzenberger, C., & Abart, R. (2024). Thermodynamic mixing properties of disordered alkali feldspar solid-solution from Na–K partitioning and low-temperature calorimetry. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 51(9).
Haghjoo, S., Lengauer, C., Kazemian, H., & Roushani, M. (2023). Facile and innovative application of surfactant-modified-zeolite from Austrian fly ash for glyphosate removal from water solution. Journal of Environmental Management, 346, 118976-118976. Artikel 118976.
Giester, G., Rieck, B., Lengauer, C., Kolitsch, U., & Nasdala, L. (2023). Katsarosite Zn(C2O4)·2H2O, a new humboldtine-group mineral from the Lavrion Mining District, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117(2), 259-267.
Đorđević, T., Nagl, P., Lengauer, C. L., Kolitsch, U., Tasev, G., Serafimovski, T., Boev, I., & Boev, B. (2023). First insights into mineralogy and weathering of the slags produced by smelting lateritic Ni ore at Vozarci, North Macedonia. Beitrag in EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich.
Pesek, P., Lengauer, C. L., Abart, R., Kurka, A., Früh, G., & Gaggl, W. (Angenommen/Im Druck). Mineral reactions in thermally treated calcareous clays for brick production. Beitrag in MinWien2023, Wien, Österreich.
Heuser, D. A., Dubosq, R., Bian, G., Habler, G., Petrishcheva, E., Gault, B., Lengauer, C. L., Rentenberger, C., & Abart, R. (2023). The compositions of coherent exsolution lamellae in alkali feldspar measured with atom probe tomography. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. Vorzeitige Online-Publikation.
Giester, G., Lengauer, C., Chanmuang N., C., Topa, D., Gutzmer, J., & Von Bezing, K.-L. (2022). Saccoite, Ca2Mn+32F(OH)8⋅0.5(SO4), a new, microporous mineral from the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, 86(5), 814-820.
Ismagilova, R. M., Rieck, B., Kampf, A. R., Giester, G., Zhitova, E. S., Lengauer, C. L., Krivovichev, S. V., Zolotarev, A. A., Ciesielczuk, J., Mikhailova, J. A., Belakovsky, D. I., Bocharov, V. N., Shilovskikh, V. V., Vlasenko, N. S., Nash, B. P., & Adams, P. M. (2022). Goldhillite, Cu5Zn(AsO4)2(OH)6·H2O, a new mineral species, and redefinition of philipsburgite, Cu5Zn[(AsO4)(PO4)](OH)6·H2O, as an As-P ordered species. Mineralogical Magazine, 86(3), 436-446.
Pesek, P., Lengauer, C., Kurka, A., Früh, G., & Gaggl, W. (2022). Usage of sintering aids for coarse pottery clays at low firing temperatures: an introduction. in Keramik - Ceramics 2022 - Abstracts (S. 102-102). Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft e.V..
Ertl, A., Hughes, J. M., Prowatke, S., Ludwig, T., Lengauer, C. L., Meyer, H. P., Giester, G., Kolitsch, U., & Prayer, A. (2022). Alumino-oxy-rossmanite from pegmatites in Variscan metamorphic rocks from Eibenstein an der Thaya, Lower Austria, Austria: A new tourmaline that represents the most Al-rich end-member composition. American Mineralogist, 107(2), 157-166.
Wildner, M., Lengauer, C. L., Effenberger, H., & Giester, G. (2022). Contributions to the stereochemistry of zirconium oxysalts—part IV: syntheses and crystal structures of Zr2(OH)2(XO4)3·4H2O (X = S, Se), Zr(SO4)2·4H2O, and Zr(SeO3)2. Monatshefte fur Chemie, 153(2), 139-151.
Mostaghelchi, M., Zendehbad, M., & Lengauer, C. (2021). Small hematite nanoparticles from the Kiruna-type ore; evaluation of declined balance limit of the attrition process and their catalytic properties. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 21(12), 6000-6006.
Gravogl, G., Birkelbach, F., Müller, D., Lengauer, C. L., Weinberger, P., & Miletich, R. (2021). Pressure Dependence of the Low Temperature Carbonation Kinetics of Calcium Oxide for Potential Thermochemical Energy Storage Purposes and Sustainable CO2 Fixation. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 5(9), Artikel 2100022.
Heuser, D. A., Ingegneri, F., Lengauer, C., Petrishcheva, E., & Abart, R. (2021). Thermodynamics of alkali feldspar solid-solutions derived from partitioning experiments. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 167, 104.
Borštnar, M., Lengauer, C. L., & Dolenec, S. (2021). Quantitative in situ x‐ray diffraction analysis of early hydration of belite‐calcium sulfoaluminate cement at various defined temperatures. Minerals, 11(3), 1-19. Artikel 297.
Lengauer, C., Ende, M., Tippelt, G., & Redhammer, G. J. (2021). Study on the structural phase transitions in NaSICON-type compounds using Ag3Sc2(PO4)(3) as a model system. in EPDIC16 - Abstracts (Band 77, S. 10-22).
Ertl, A., Hughes, J. M., Prowatke, S., Ludwig, T., Lengauer, C., & Meyer, H. .-P. (2020). Alumino-oxy-rossmanite. European Journal of Mineralogy: an international journal of mineralogy, geochemistry and related sciences, 32, 651. Artikel MA 2020-008b.
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 119