Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Nasdala
Deputy Head of Department
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Vienna
Room number: 2A251
T: +43-1-4277-53220
Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters (since 2013)
Pluthametwisute, T., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Wildner, M., Libowitzky, E., Giester, G., Zoysa, E. G., Jakkawanvibul, C., Suwanmanee, W., Sripoonjan, T., Tengchaisri, T., Wanthanchaisaeng, B., & Sutthirat, C. (2025). Luminescence and a new approach for detecting heat treatment of geuda sapphire. Solid earth, 16, 81-96. https://doi.org/10.5194/se-16-81-2025
Cameron, E. M., Blum, T. B., Cavosie, A. J., Kitajima, K., Nasdala, L., Orland, I. J., Bonamici, C. E., & Valley, J. W. (2024). Evidence for oceans pre-4300 Ma confirmed by preserved igneous compositions in Hadean zircon. American Mineralogist, 109(10), 1670-1681. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2023-9180
Nasdala, L., & Fritsch, E. (2024). Luminescence: The “cold glow” of minerals. Elements: an international magazine of mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrology, 20(5), 287-292. https://doi.org/10.2138/gselements.20.5.287
Götze, J., MacRae, C. M., & Nasdala, L. (2024). Luminescence images: What is it that you see? Elements: an international magazine of mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrology, 20(5), 299-304. https://doi.org/10.2138/gselements.20.5.299
Nasdala, L., Hauzenberger, C., Wildner, M., Chanmuang N., C., & Sameera, K. A. G. (2023). Metamict gadolinite–(Y) from Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Journal of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 24(1), 23-30.
Giester, G., Armbruster, T., Balic-Zunic, T., Beran, A., Effenberger, H. S., Fischer, R. X., Friese, K., Libowitzky, E., Wildner, M., & Nasdala, L. (2023). On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Josef Zemann’s birthday: A tribute to his scientific oeuvre. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117(2), 113-116. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-023-00834-1
Sobek, K., Losos, Z., Škoda, R., Holá, M., & Nasdala, L. (2023). Crystal chemistry of ferriallanite-(Ce) from Nya Bastnäs, Sweden: Chemical and spectroscopic study. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117(2), 345-357. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-023-00829-y
Giester, G., Rieck, B., Lengauer, C., Kolitsch, U., & Nasdala, L. (2023). Katsarosite Zn(C2O4)·2H2O, a new humboldtine-group mineral from the Lavrion Mining District, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117(2), 259-267. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-023-00810-9
Nasdala, L., Lamers, T., Gilg, H. A., Chanmuang, N. C., Griesser, M., Kirchweger, F., Erlacher, A., Boehmler, M., & Giester, G. (2023). The Imperial Crown of the Holy Roman Empire, Part I: Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopic study of the gemstones. Journal of Gemmology, 38(5), 448-473. https://doi.org/10.15506/JoG.2023.38.5.448
Hou, Z., Woś, D., Tschegg, C., Rogowitz, A., Rice, A. H. N., Nasdala, L., Fusseis, F., Szymczak, P., & Grasemann, B. (2023). Three-dimensional mineral dendrites reveal a nonclassical crystallization pathway. Geology, 51(7), 626-630. https://doi.org/10.1130/G51127.1, https://doi.org/10.1130/G51127.1
Wanthanachaisaeng, B., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., & Wildner, M. (2022). Quench-fractured bicoloured synthetic quartz: A doubly treated gem material. The Journal of Gemmology, 38(2), 134-136. https://doi.org/10.15506/JoG.2022.38.2.134
Nasdala, L., Sameera, K. A. G., Fernando, G. W. A. R., Wildner, M., Chanmuang N., C., Habler, G., Erlacher, A., & Škoda, R. (2022). The shape of ekanite. Gems & Gemology, 58(2), 156-167. https://doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.58.2.156
Zeug, M., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., & Hauzenberger, C. (2022). Gem topaz from the Schneckenstein crag, Saxony, Germany: Mineralogical characterization and luminescence. Gems & Gemology, 58(1), 2-17. https://doi.org/10.5741/GEMS.58.1.2
Erlacher, A., Zeug, M., Skoda, R., Sameera, K. A. G., & Nasdala, L. (2021). Metamict fergusonite from Kolonna and Masimbula, Sri Lanka. Journal of the Geological Society of Sri Lanka, 22-2, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.4038/jgssl.v22i2.67
Ende, M., Chanmuang N., C., Reiners, P. W., Zamyatin, D. A., Gain, S. E. M., Wirth, R., & Nasdala, L. (2021). Dry annealing of radiation-damaged zircon: Single-crystal X-ray and Raman spectroscopy study. Lithos, 406-407, Article 106523. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106523
Nasdala, L., Wildner, M., Giester, G., Chanmuang N., C., Scicchitano, M. R., & Hauzenberger, C. (2021). Blue dravite (“indicolite”) from the Elahera gem field, Sri Lanka. The Journal of Gemmology, 37(6), 618-630. https://doi.org/10.15506/JoG.2021.37.6.618
Chanmuang N., C., Nasdala, L., Wildner, M., Skoda, R., & Zoysa, E. G. (2021). Spectroscopic study of serendibite from Sri Lanka. The Journal of Gemmology, 37(5), 451-454. https://doi.org/10.15506/JoG.2021.37.5.451
Zeug, M., Nasdala, L., Ende, M., Habler, G., Hauzenberger, C., Chanmuang N., C., Škoda, R., Topa, D., Wildner, M., & Wirth, R. (2021). The parisite–(Ce) enigma: Challenges in the identification of fluorcarbonate minerals. Mineralogy and Petrology, 115(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00710-020-00723-x
Nasdala, L., Akhmadaliev, S., Burakov, B. E., Chanmuang N, C., & Škoda, R. (2020). The absence of metamictisation in natural monazite. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 14676. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-71451-7
Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., Giester, G., & Wanthanchaisaeng, B. (2020). Multicoloured synthetic corundum and multicoloured glass doublets in the Thai gem market. The Journal of Gemmology, 37(1), 18-20. https://doi.org/10.15506/JoG.2020.37.1.18
Conference Abstracts (since 2013)
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 153
Zamyatin DA, Shchapova YV, Votyakov SL, Nasdala L. Effect of radiation damage in natural zircon on the silicon K-beta X-ray emission. In EMAS 2017, Book of Tutorials and Abstracts. 2017. p. 484-485
Roszjar J, Moser DE, Hyde BC, Chanmuang C, Tait K, Nasdala L. Comparison of chemical zoning of eucrite and martian micro-zircon. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. 2017;51(Supplement 1):A544. 6184. doi: 10.1111/maps.12704
Lenz C, Lumpkin GR, Thorogood GJ, Ionescu M, Nasdala L. Characterisation of structural radiation damage by means of REE3+ micro-luminescence spectroscopy - the example of zircon and zirconolite. In 2nd European Mineralogical Conference - Book of Abstracts. 2016. p. 385. 15-11
Nasdala L, Blaimauer D, Chanmuang C, Corfu F, Lengauer C, Skoda R et al. Ekanite (Ca2ThSi8O20) from Sri Lanka: Concordant U–Th–Pb isotope systemin spite of metamictization. In New Minerals and Mineralogy in the 21st Century, Book of Abstracts. 2016. p. 59-62
Švecová E, Čopjaková R, Losos Z, Skoda R, Nasdala L, Cícha J. Multi-stage evolution of xenotime–(Y) from Písek granitic pegmatites, Czech Republic. In New Minerals and Mineralogy in the 21st Century, Book of Abstracts. 2016. p. 103-105
Chanmuang C, Habler G, Lenz C, Nasdala L, Vaczi T. Quantification of radiation effects in zircon: Focused-ion beam preparation of thin lamellae for ion-irradiation experiments. In 2nd European Mineralogical Conference - Book of Abstracts. 2016. p. 377-378. 15-15
Lenz C, Lumpkin GR, Thorogood GJ, Ionescu M, Nasdala L. Structural radiation damage revealed by micro-luminescence spectroscopyof REE3+ emissions. In New Minerals and Mineralogy in the 21st Century, Book of Abstracts. 2016. p. 47-48
Nasdala L, Dobrzhinetskaya LF, Korsakov AV, Massonne HJ, Reissner C, Steger S. UHP phases versus preparation materials: Be cautious when using Raman spectroscopy. In 2nd European Mineralogical Conference - Book of Abstracts. 2016. p. 19-20. 1-14
Shchapova YV, Zamyatin DA, Votyakov SL, Nasdala L. Dynamic properties of zircon with different degrees of radiation damage as studied by temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy. In XII International Conference “GeoRaman–2016”, Abstract Volume. 2016. p. 58
Zamyatin DA, Shchapova YV, Votyakov SL, Nasdala L, Lenz C. High-uranium heterogeneous zircons: Raman, photoluminescence spectroscopy and U-Th-Pb dating by electron microprobe analysis. In XII International Conference “GeoRaman–2016”, Abstract Volume. 2016. p. 146
Vaczi T, Nasdala L. Phonon confinement in radiation-damaged zircon. In XII International Conference “GeoRaman–2016”, Abstract Volume. 2016. p. 61
Lenz C, Nasdala L, Lumpkin GR. Quantification of irradiation-induced structural damage in nuclear waste-form materials using confocal Ln3+ luminescence spectroscopy. In Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. 2016. 1729
Nasdala L, Akhmadaliev S, Artac A, Chanmuang C, Habler G, Lenz C. Raman study of ion-irradiated FIB foils of zircon (ZrSiO4). In APMC11 / MST33 / AAT39 Conference, Program and Abstracts. 2016. p. 240. PM30
Ginster U, Reiners P, Farley KA, Nasdala L. Effects of ingrown radiation damage and annealing on helium diffusion in zircon. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 2015 Nov;47(7):292. 104-6.
Zeug M, Ruschel K, Blaimauer D, Lengauer C, Nasdala L. Effects of radiation damage on the Nd3+ luminescence of ekanite, ThCa2Si8O20. Periodico di Mineralogia. 2015 Sept;84:197-198.
Vaczi T, Nasdala L. Electron-beam irradiation of zircon: A discussion of spectroscopic phenomena. Periodico di Mineralogia. 2015 Sept;84:181-182.
Nasdala L, Lenz C. Photoluminescence spectroscopy: A tool for revealing stress caused by self-irradiation damage. Periodico di Mineralogia. 2015 Sept;84:127-128.
Pristacz H, Kogure T, Hammer VMF, Giester G, Wildner M, Libowitzky E et al. A review of synthetic turquoise. In Proceedings of the 34th International Gemological Conference. 2015. p. 143-144. GC346
Nasdala L, Chanmuang C, Häger T, Hofmeister W, Kennedy AK, Reiners PW et al. The scientific importance of gem zircon as analytical reference materials. In Proceedings of the 34th International Gemological Conference. 2015. p. 128-131. IGC34
Artac A, Nasdala L, Habler G, Abart R. Residual stress-fields near fractures in radiation damaged zircon. In ICAVS 8 Abstracts Poster. 2015. p. 212-213
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 153