Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Nasdala
Deputy Head of Department
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Vienna
Room number: 2A251
T: +43-1-4277-53220
Conference Abstracts (since 2013)
Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 152
Nasdala, L. (2019). Mikro-Spektroskopie von Diamanten. In Internationales Diamant-Symposium - Abstracts (pp. 17)
Ginster, U., Reiners, P. W., Farley, K. A., Nasdala, L., & Chanmuang N., C. (2018). Effects of radiation damage accumulation and annealing on He diffusion in zircon. In Thermo 2018 Conference Abstracts (pp. 69)
Lumpkin, G. R., de los Reyes, M., Aughterson, R., Gregg, D., Middleburgh, S., Ionescu, M., Lenz, C., & Nasdala, L. (2018). Radiation damage in ABO4 compounds: Laboratory versus nature. In IMA2018 Abstract Book (pp. 50). Geological Society of Australia Inc..
Blum, T. B., Peng, Z., Stephenson, L., Schweinar, K., Chanmuang N., C., Nasdala, L., Cavosie, A. J., Gault, B., & Valley, J. W. (2018). Trace element clustering in Jack Hills zircons: New results and future directions. In Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2018
Zamyatin, D. A., Shchapova, Y. V., Votyakov, S. L., Nasdala, L., & Krasnobaev, A. A. (2018). Structural and chemical heterogeneity of zircon from the Taldyk block, Mugodzhar, South Urals: Raman, PL spectroscopy and EPMA. In GeoRaman - XIII International Conference, Book of Abstracts (pp. 146)
Nasdala, L. (2018). Structural radiation damage in minerals: What can we learn? In Twenty-Sixth Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting - Book of Abstracts (pp. 7)
Ginster, U., Reiners, P. W., Nasdala, L., Chanmuang N., C., & Farley, K. A. (2017). Kinetics of radiation damage annealing in zircon. In AGU Fall Meeting - Abstracts [245529]
Lenz, C., Lumpkin, G. R., Thorogood, G. J., Ionescu, M., & Nasdala, L. (2017). Quantification of irradiation induced structural disorder in nuclear waste-form ceramics with µ-luminescence spectroscopy of lanthanides. In MRS2017 - Book of Abstracts (pp. 31-32)
Blum, T. B., Nasdala, L., Spicuzza, M. J., Coble, M. A., Chanmuang N., C., & Valley, J. W. (2017). Resolving large magnitude and widespread annealing of lunar zircon through correlative SIMS, EBSD and Raman spectroscopy. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49(6), [139-11]. https://doi.org/10.1130/abs/2017AM-304960
Nasdala, L., Akhmadaliev, S., Chanmuang, C., Csato, C., Rosen, T., Rüb, M., Vaczi, T., Wagner, A., & Zowalla, A. (2017). A promising tool for the investigation of alpha-particle damage in accessory minerals: 4He irradiation using a fabricated, Si-based energy filter. In CAM-2017 - Abstracts (pp. 73-74). Eigenverlag.
Szymanowski, D., Fehr, M., Guillong, M., Coble, M., Wotzlaw, J-F., Nasdala, L., Ellis, B., Bachmann, O., & Schönbächler, M. (2017). Accuracy of Ti-in-zircon thermometry improved by isotope dilution determinations of Ti in zircon reference materials. In CAM-2017 - Abstracts (pp. 103). Eigenverlag.
Zamyatin, D. A., Shchapova, Y. V., Votyakov, S. L., Nasdala, L., & Lenz, C. (2017). Alteration and electron probe micro-analyser dating of high-U zircon from a pegmatite from the Aduiskii Massif, Middle Urals. In CAM-2017 - Abstracts (pp. 101-102). Eigenverlag.
Chanmuang, C., Ende, M., Nasdala, L., & Wirth, R. (2017). Dry annealing of radiation damaged zircon: Which "degree of reconstitution" is probed by which analytical technique? In CAM-2017 - Abstracts (pp. 29-30). Eigenverlag.
Vaczi, T., & Nasdala, L. (2017). Electron-beam annealing in radiation-damaged zircon. In CAM-2017 - Abstracts (pp. 97-98). Eigenverlag.
Lenz, C., Lumpkin, G. R., Thorogood, G. J., & Nasdala, L. (2017). On the way to a quantification of radiation damage in accessory minerals using REE3+ photoluminescence spectroscopy. In CAM-2017 - Abstracts (pp. 55-56). Eigenverlag.
Lenz, C., Lumpkin, G. R., Thorogood, G. J., Ionescu, M., & Nasdala, L. (2017). REE3+ μ-luminescence spectroscopy used to quantify and visualize radiation damage accumulation – First results of a heavy ion-irradiation study. In Goldschmidt Conference 2017 - Abstracts [19d]
Nasdala, L. (Author), Zirbs, W. (Author), & Möller, H. (Editorial Journalist). (2017). Forschen auf der "Insel der Edelsteine". Web publication, uni:view - Das Online-Magazin der Universität Wien.
Shchapova, Y. V., Zamyatin, D. A., Votyakov, S. L., Chaikin, D., Vainshtein, A., & Nasdala, L. (2017). Temperature dependent Raman and luminescence spectroscopy study of self-irradiated U, Th-bearing natural zircon. In REI-19, Book of Abstracts (pp. 250-251)
Zamyatin, D. A., Shchapova, Y. V., Votyakov, S. L., & Nasdala, L. (2017). Effect of radiation damage in natural zircon on the silicon K-beta X-ray emission. In EMAS 2017, Book of Tutorials and Abstracts (pp. 484-485)