Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lutz Nasdala
Deputy Head of Department

Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Vienna
Room number: 2A251
T: +43-1-4277-53220

Lutz Nasdala

Conference Abstracts (since 2013)


Nasdala, L. (2014). Raman micro-spectroscopy of diamond. In GIT2014 Proceedings (pp. 59-62)

Zeug, M., Nasdala, L., & Rodríguez Vargas, A. I. (2014). Spectroscopic characterization of zircon inclusions in gem corundum from Mercaderes, Cauca, Colombia. In GIT2014 Proceedings (pp. 262-263)

Pearson, G. D., Brenker, F. E., Nestola, F., McNeill, J., Nasdala, L., Hutchison, M. T., Matveev, S., Mather, K., Vincze, L., Schmitz, S., & Vekemens, B. (2014). Water and slabs in the Transition Zone: Hydrous ringwoodite in diamond. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts [DI32A-01]

Nasdala, L., Lenz, C., Artac, A., Akhmadaliev, S., Vaczi, T., Habler, G., & Abart, R. (2014). Ion and electron irradiation: Tools to study radiation damage in minerals. In Book of Abstracts of the XVIII International Conference - Crystal Chemistry, X-ray Diffraction and Spectroscopy of Minerals - 2014 (pp. 125-127)

Artac, A., Jachs, B., Lenz, C., Akhmadaliev, S., Habler, G., Talla, D., & Nasdala, L. (2014). Surface swelling and spectroscopic investigations of Au-irradiated monazite-(Ce) crystals. In IBMM LEUVEN 2014 - Program and Abstracts (pp. PB 64)

Pearson, G. D., Brenker, F. E., Nestola, F., McNeill, J., Nasdala, L., Hutchison, M. T., Matveev, S., Mather, K., Silversmit, G., Schmitz, S., Vekemans, B., & Vincze, L. (2014). A hydrous mantle transition zone indicated by ringwoodite included within diamond. In IMA 2014 Abstract Volume (pp. 52)

Guenthner, W. R., Reiners, P., Ketcham, R. A., Nasdala, L., & Giester, G. (2014). Interpreting zircon (U-Th)/He date-eU correlations with a new damage-based model for He diffusion in zircon. In Thermo2014, Abstract volume (pp. 59-60)

Nasdala, L., Hofmeister, W., Häger, T., Zeug, M., Mattinson, J., Corfu, F., Wu, F., Valley, J., Frei, D., Kronz, A., Münker, C., Fisher, C. M., Kennedy, A. K., Reiners, P., Guenthner, W., Scheidl, K. S., & Kröner, A. (2014). Zircon M127 - a future reference material for U-Pb combined with Hf- and O-isotope analysis. In DMG 2014 Programme and Abstracts (pp. 358-359). [ISO-P03]

Wilson, C. N., MacRae, C. M., Torpy, A., Gaft, M., Götze, J., Lenz, C., Hanchar, J. M., Barmarin, G., & Nasdala, L. (2014). Luminescence database: An update. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 20(S3), 916-917. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927614006308

Artac, A., Lenz, C., Akhmadaliev, S., Habler, G., & Nasdala, L. (2014). Heavy-ion irradiation damage in monazite-(Ce), CePO4. In EURODIM 2014, Abstracts

Pearson, G. D., Brenker, F. E., Nestola, F., McNeill, J., Nasdala, L., Hutchison, M. T., Matveev, S., Mather, K., Silversmit, G., Schmitz, S., Vekemans, B., & Vincze, L. (2014). A hydrous mantle transition zone indicated by ringwoodite included within diamond. In Goldschmidt2014 [1921]

Nasdala, L., Kostrovitsky, S., Kennedy, A. K., Zeug, M., & Esenkulova, S. A. (2014). Raman spectroscopic study of the radiation damage in zircon xenocrysts from kimberlites in Northern Yakutia. In European Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry ESAS 2014 & 15th Czech-Slovak Spectroscopic Conference [TP20]


Nasdala, L., Stoyanova Lyubenova, T., Gaft, M., Wildner, M., Diegor, W., & Petautschnig, C. (2013). Luminescence of synthetic titanite-group pigments: A rare quenching effect. In Book of abstracts (pp. 79-80)