Dr. Jennifer Zwicker, Bakk. MSc
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II),
1090 Vienna
Room number: 2B374
T: +43-1-4277-53269

Curriculum vitae [pdf]

Grants and Academic recognitions

FWF T 1189 Firnberg-Programm: "Geomicrobiology of the cryptocrystalline Kraubath magnesite deposit"


Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 26


Lu, Y., Mihailova, B., Malcherek, T., Paulmann, C., Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Lin, Z., Bohrmann, G., & Peckmann, J. (2024). Role of bottom water chemistry in the formation of fibrous magnesium calcite at methane seeps in the Black Sea. Sedimentology, 71(4), 1193-1213. https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.13170

Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Schulz-Vogt, H., Little, C. T. S., Rieder, M., Meister, P., Gier, S., & Peckmann, J. (2024). Fossilized giant sulfide-oxidizing bacteria from the Devonian Hollard Mound seep deposit, Morocco. Geobiology, 22(1), Article e12581. https://doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12581



Krake, N., Birgel, D., Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Huang, H., Feng, D., Bohrmann, G., & Peckmann, J. (2022). Molecular and isotopic signatures of oil-driven bacterial sulfate reduction at seeps in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology, 595, Article 120797. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.120797


Filek, T., Harzhauser, M., Kranner, M., Feichtinger, I., Zwicker, J., Smrzka, D., Mandic, O., Kroh, A., Peckmann, J., Berning, B., Uchman, A., Reichenbacher, B., Hofmayer, F., Rötzel, R., & Pollerspöck, J. (2021). Environmental conditions during the late Oligocene transgression in the North Alpine Foreland Basin (Eferding Formation, Egerian) – A multidisciplinary approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 580, 1-26. Article 110527. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110527


Smrzka, D., Feng, D., Himmler, T., Zwicker, J., Hu, Y., Monien, P., Tribovillard, N., Chen, D., & Peckmann, J. L. (2020). Trace elements in methane-seep carbonates: Potentials, limitations, and perspectives. Earth-Science Reviews, 208, Article 103263.

Taubner, R.-S., Pappenreiter, P., Zwicker, J., Smrzka, D., Pruckner, C., Kolar, P., Bernacchi, S., Seifert, A. H., Bach, W., Peckmann, J., Paulik, C., Firneis, M. G., Schleper, C., & Rittmann, S. K.-M. R. (2020). Simulating putative Enceladus-like conditions: The possibility of biological methane production on Saturn's icy moon. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14(S345), 219-221. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1743921319001789


Giampouras, M., Garrido, C., Zwicker, J., Vadillo, I., Smrzka, D., Bach, W., Peckmann, J., Jiminez, P., Benavente, J., & Garcia-Ruiz, J. M. (2019). Geochemistry and mineralogy of serpentinization-driven hyperalkaline springs in the Ronda peridotites. Lithos, 350-351, Article 105215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105215

Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Misch, D., Walkner, C., Gier, S., Monien, P., Bohrmann, G., & Peckmann, J. (2019). Oil seepage and carbonate formation: A case study from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Sedimentology, 66(6), 2318-2353. https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.12593


Taubner, R.-S., Pappenreiter, P., Zwicker, J., Smrzka, D., Pruckner, C., Kolar, P., Bernacchi, S., Seifert, A. H., Krajete, A., Bach, W., Peckmann, J., Paulik, C., Firneis, M. G., Schleper, C., & Rittmann, S. K.-M. R. (2018). Biological methane production under putative Enceladus-like conditions. Nature Communications, 9(1), Article 748 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-02876-y

Himmler, T., Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Kasten, S., Shapiro, R., Bohrmann, G., & Peckmann, J. L. (2018). Stromatolites below the photic zone in the northern Arabian Sea formed by calcifying chemotrophic microbial mats. Geology, 46(4), 339-342. https://doi.org/10.1130/G39890.1


Zwicker, J., Birgel, D., Bach, W., Richoz, S., Gier, S., Smrzka, D., Schleper, C., Rittmann, S. K.-M. R., Grasemann, B., Kosun, E., & Peckmann, J. (2017). Evidence for archaeal methanogenesis within in situ veins at the onshore peridotite-hosted Chimaera seeps, Turkey. GeoBremen 2017, Bremen, Germany.

Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Sahling, H., Misch, D., Bohrmann, G., & Peckmann, J. (2017). Carbonate authigenesis at oil seeps from the Campeche Knolls, southern Gulf of Mexico. GeoBremen 2017, Bremen, Germany.

Smrzka, D., Zwicker, J., Kolonic, S., Birgel, D., Little, C. T. S., Marzouk, A., Chellai, E. H., Wagner, T., & Peckmann, J. L. (2017). Methane seepage in a Cretaceous greenhouse world recorded by an unusual carbonate deposit from the Tarfaya Basin, Morocco. The Depositional Record, 3(1), 4-37. https://doi.org/10.1002/dep2.24

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 26