Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 22
Romaka, V. V., Rogl, G., Bursikova, V., Buršík, J., Michor, H., Grytsiv, A., Bauer, E., Giester, G., & Rogl, P. F. (2022). Physical properties of {Ti,Zr,Hf}2Ni2Sn compounds. Dalton Transactions, 51(1), 361-374. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1dt03198h

Yan, X., Brož, P., Vřešťál, J., Vlach, J., Buršík, J., Mazalová, M., Pavlů, J., Smetana, B., Rogl, G., Eiberger, M., Grytsiv, A., Michor, H., Müller, H., Giester, G., & Rogl, P. (2021). On the constitution and thermodynamic modeling of the phase diagrams Nb-Mn and Ta-Mn. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 865, Article 158715. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.158715

Zeni, W., Seifried, M., Knoll, C., Welch, J. M., Giester, G., Stöger, B., Artner, W., Reissner, M., Müller, D., & Weinberger, P. (2020). Bifunctional Fe(II) spin crossover-complexes based on ω-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl) carboxylic acids. Dalton Transactions, 49(47), 17183-17193. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0dt03315d

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