Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 33
Mueller, D., Knoll, C., Welch, J. M., Reissner, M., Giester, G., Wildner, M., & Weinberger, P. (2019). Chirality as key for determining the spin-state in Fe(II) spin crossover complexes. In Abstracts of Papers, 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition Article INOR-0917

Mueller, D., Knoll, C., Welch, J. M., Giester, G., Reissner, M., & Weinberger, P. (2019). Spin-switchable Hofmann-type networks based on tetrakis(cyanoacetylides): Larger pores for larger guests. In Abstracts of Papers, 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition Article INOR-0504

Knoll, C., Mueller, D., Welch, J. M., Giester, G., Reissner, M., Miletich, R., & Weinberger, P. (2019). 1-Dimensional Fe(II) spin crossover polymers - An infight between rigidity, solvate and anion. In Abstracts of Papers, 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition Article INOR-0873

Knoll, C., Mueller, D., Welch, J. M., Giester, G., Lendl, B., Weinberger, P., & Steinhauser, G. (2019). 5,5'-Azobistetrazolate in lanthanide coordination chemistry - The impact of CO2 and traces of 241Am. In Abstracts of Papers, 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition Article INOR-1137

Ertl, A., Giester, G., & Topa, D. (2019). Sr-enriched high-pressure tourmaline from the Kreuzeck Mountains, Eastern Alps, Austria. In 27th Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting - Book of Abstracts (pp. 56)

Pekov, I. V., Shchipalkina, N. V., Zubkova, N. V., Gurzhiy, V. V., Agakhanov, A. A., Belakovskiy, D. I., Chukanov, N. V., Lykova, I. S., Vigasina, M. F., Koshlyakova, N., Sidorov, E. G., & Giester, G. (2019). Alkali sulfates with aphthitalite-like structures from fumaroles of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. I. metath Énardite, a natural high-temperature modification of Na2SO4. The Canadian Mineralogist, 57(6), 885-901. https://doi.org/10.3749/canmin.1900050

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 33